Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blog Train Information

This is a subject and an awareness that I feel is very important. I feel that not enough of us really know what is going on, or are not very informed about this. As a mother to a teenage girl (and boys), this worries me, for my children’s future and for all the young people out there. Every year women and children are being forced into the sex slave trade. Now with the internet and the world being closer together it is now getting bigger and bigger this industry is booming. Every day more and more women and children are being snatched from their home and their loved ones. This is not a country wide problem this is worldwide. There are links with information and facts on the blog. Please help share awareness and get the information out to others that may not know.

If you are interested in being a part of this blog train and get more information....please email me at


  1. Hi, Channi,

    Once again, I comment you on bringing this sort of thing to light to those who have no idea that this is going on in this day and time. A girl could be swiped off a city street or even through a casual acquaintance. In some places, the promise of money for the girl's family is so strong an allure that they don't realize what they've gotten in to until it is too late. Some countries report a trend in sexual savagery, where the girls are literally slaughtered during a 'date'. It's hard to believe, but, it is real.

    I wonder if you have the color codes for the pallet? I want to try to do this, but, it depends on how things go this next week. I will contact you.

    Thank you,


  2. That's okay Hun no problem I have the colors codes for you and also I have made a gradient for it as well so if you would like I could send it to you :)
